Creating Income/Expense Items

Basically every journal entry you create has the ability to have an dollar amount associated with it. When creating items with a dollar amount associated with it, we recommend setting it as private unless you really want your friends to see what you paid.

1. From the Main Feed

In the upper right of the post in the main feed, you can tap the plus icon which will allow you to create a post.

2. Select your journal entry type

You can journal against a horse or not. If you are recording an expense item, just select "Add Journal Entry" and then select a category and then a sub category.

3. Enter your dollar amount

You will see a field for cost. Center your dollar amount there.

4. Set it as an Income or Expense

To the right of the field, you will see a slider for denoting whether it is an Income or Expense item. By default it is an Expense or slide to the right for Income.

5. Tap the Save button

Tapping the save button will save the entry into your ongoing log.