Do you remember your horses pedigree?

Our horse’s pedigree is so important for many reasons. Right within the app, you can save your horse’s pedigree and recall it whenever you might need it. You can track a couple generations of Sires and Dams on each horse record. As a matter of fact, you can record all kinds of important information about your horse and have it with you wherever you might be.


Where did you put that document again?

Plain and simple, this is the best part of the app. What we did is put all this information about the horse in one place for quick access when you need it most. Today you keep this information in several different folders, in different places or not at all. All the horse details like registration numbers, feeding information, caring notes and the all-important Journal. The journal is all the important activities you might capture like training, competitions, an injury, a farrier visit or the vet visit when they get their shots. In here, you can also CONNECT your friends, farriers and vets, whoever you want, directly to the horse so they have access to these records if you want them to. Seriously, why would you do it any other way?
